Ana Oliveira
I am a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at the University of Porto, with the thesis "Essays on technological change, growth and labor market outcomes" (expected date of completion: April 2022).
My research interests are Labor Economics, Economic Growth, Technological Change, and Income Distribution.
“Do Technological Changes Reduce the Gender Wage Gap”, joint work with Anna Salomons (Utrecht University) and Matias Cortes (York University), Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Winter 2020, Vol. 36, Issue 4: 903-924
“The Impact of Universities on Regional Competitiveness: A Review of the Main Theoretical and Methodological Approaches”, joint work with Aurora Texeira (University of Porto), Miguel Preto (University of Lisbon), Gonçalo Brás (University of Lisbon) and Carlos Rodrigues (University of Aveiro), (Ed.), Examining the Role of Entrepreneurial Universities in Regional Development (67-92), IGI Global
Spring 2019 | Macroeconomics II (University of Porto)